Staff/Faculty Directory

- Title
- Research & Education Coordinator
- Lecturer
- Division Social Sciences Division
- Department
- Center for Agroecology & Sustainable Food Systems
- Environmental Studies Department
- Phone 831-359-8710
- Website
- Office Location
- Natural Sciences 2, room 471
- Office Hours By appointment
- Mail Stop CASFS / Life Lab
- Mailing Address
- 1156 High Street
- Santa Cruz CA 95064
Selected Publications
Parr, D., Miles, A., Galt, R., Burnau, C., Wong, D., and Enos, K., 2017 (in-review) Creating Institutional Spaces for Critical Agroecology Education: Epistemological Foundations and Engaged Communities of Practice Toward Food System Transformation. Agriculture and Human Values.
· Galt, R. E., Parr, D., Van Soelen Kim, J., Beckett, J., Lickter, M., and Ballard, H. L. 2012. Transformative food systems education in a land-grant college of agriculture: the importance of learner-centered inquiries. Agriculture and Human Values.
· Jacobsen, K. L., Niewolny, K. L., Schroeder-Moreno, M. S., Van Horn, M., Harmon, A. H., Chen Fanslow, Y. H., Williams, M. A., & Parr, D. 2012. Sustainable agriculture undergraduate degree programs: A land-grant university mission. Journal of Agriculture, Food Systems, and Community Development.
· Galt, R. E., Parr, D., and Jagannath, J. 2012. Facilitating competency development in sustainable agriculture and food systems education: a self-assessment approach. International Journal of Agricultural Sustainability.
· Galt, R. E., Clark, S., and Parr, D. 2012. Engaging values in sustainable agriculture and food systems education: toward an explicitly values-based approach. Journal of Agriculture, Food Systems, and Community Development.
· Parr, D. and Trexler, C.J. 2011. Students’ Experiential Learning Preferences and Motivations for using Student Farms in Sustainable Agriculture and Food Systems Education. Journal of Natural Resources and Life Sciences Education, 40: 172-180.
Perez, J., Parr, D, and Beckett, L. 2010. Achieving program goals? An evaluation of two decades of Apprenticeship in Ecological Horticulture at the University of California, Santa Cruz. Journal of Agriculture, Food Systems, and Community Development. 1(1): 107-124.
Parr, D., Trexler, C.J., Khanna, N.R., Battisti, B.T. 2007. Designing Sustainable Agriculture Education: Academics’ Suggestions for an Undergraduate Curriculum at a Land-Grant University. Agriculture and Human Values, 24(4): 523–533.
Parr, D. and Van Horn, M. 2006. Development of Organic and Sustainable Agricultural Education at the University of California, Davis: A Closer Look at Practice and Theory. HortTechnology 16(3): 426-431.
Trexler, C.J., Parr, D., Khanna, N.R. 2006. A Delphi Study of Agricultural Practitioners’ Opinions: Necessary Experiences for Inclusion in an Undergraduate Sustainable Agricultural Major. Journal of Agricultural Education, 47(4): 15-24.
Van Horn, M. and Parr, D. 2004. Organic and Sustainable Post-secondary Education: Practices and Principles. Proceedings in California Conference on Biological Control IV, July 13-15, 2004. Berkeley, California