Short Courses

Citrus Short Course participants learn from Center for Agroecology instructors

The Center for Agroecology's intensive short courses provide intermediate and experienced gardeners and farmers hands-on, land-based professional development and skill-building opportunities focused on specialized agricultural topics including seed propagation, soils and cultivation, food preservation, agricultural business management, best practices in agricultural education, and more. Spanish interpretation is available for many of our short courses.

Upcoming Short Courses

Field Scouting for Farmers
Learn from field scouting experts about whole-farm scouting as part of an ecological approach to pest and production management. 

A 2-day short course with hands-on training at the UCSC Farm
Thursday February 20th, 10am–2pm
Friday February 21st, 10am–2pm

Presented in English with Spanish interpretation available

Cost: $40 (covers parking and lunch each day); Pre-registration required
