Short Courses

Citrus Short Course participants learn from Center for Agroecology instructors

The Center for Agroecology's intensive short courses provide intermediate and experienced gardeners and farmers hands-on, land-based professional development and skill-building opportunities focused on specialized agricultural topics including seed propagation, soils and cultivation, food preservation, agricultural business management, best practices in agricultural education, and more. Spanish interpretation is available for many of our short courses.

Upcoming Short Courses

Field Scouting for Farmers

Thursday February 20th-Friday 21st, 10:00am- 2:00pm at UCSC Hay Barn & UCSC Farm

Instructors: Doug O’Brien, plant pathologist, and Jessica Vaughan, Vaughan Grower Consulting

In this 2-day short course with hands-on training at the UCSC Farm, farmers can learn from field scouting experts about whole farm scouting as part of an ecological approach to pest and production management.


Growing Organic Citrus for Market

Sunday March 2 - 9:30-12 at UCSC Farm, 1:00-3:00pm at Abounding Harvest Mountain Farm

Christof Bernau, Farm Garden Manager, UCSC Center for Agroecology

Daniel Paduano, Owner/Farmer, Abounding Harvest Mountain Farm

At the UCSC Farm, we’ll cover citrus life cycle and management operations, along with a discussion on varieties suited to Central Coast production. At Abounding Harvest, participants will see a small-scale operation in the Santa Cruz mountains, hear from Daniel Paduano about growing and marketing unique citrus varieties, and sample citrus varieties ripe in early March. 


Organic Seedling Production and Greenhouse Management

Saturday March 8th, 9:00am - 1:00pm at the UCSC Farm Greenhouses

Christof Bernau, Farm Garden Manager, UCSC Center for Agroecology

This half day course will cover how to manage greenhouse and small scale production facilities, with an emphasis on how to optimize environmental conditions to meet crop needs, design systems and production efficiencies that can strengthen crop quality, while reducing time spent growing seedlings. We will also discuss soils and fertility inputs for seedling production and how to approach pest and disease management in the greenhouse setting to grow resilient seedlings.


Growing Organic Cut Flowers for Market

Sunday April 13th, 9:30am -11:30am at UCSC Farm; 12:30pm - 2:00pm at Do Right Farm

Christof Bernau, Farm Garden Manager, UCSC Center for Agroecology

Kelly Brown, Owner/Farmer, Do Right Flower Farm

The first portion of the day will be spent at the UCSC Farm, where we will discuss crop selection, seed and bulb sourcing, the benefits and challenges of growing both annual and perennial cut flower/foliage crops, and market outlets. In the afternoon, we will take a field trip to Do Right Flower Farm to learn from Kelly Brown, an incredible grower who will share experiences growing a wide range of crops, managing pest and disease challenges, and marketing exquisite flowers through multiple channels including a bouquet subscription program, custom designs for weddings, diy buckets for people interested in doing their own design, wholesale through Gather Flora, and direct to local florists. 
