Job Openings

    Professional Staff Positions

  • Cowell Coffee Shop Lead

    The Cowell Coffee Shop Lead is the primary staff responsible for our Cowell Coffee Shop (CCS): For the Peoples, a student-engaged basic needs cafe. The position works with a robust student staff team to deliver a supportive and nourishing environment and broad sustainability programming for all students. In addition to the coffee shop location, the role includes overseeing a food trailer that integrates sustainability and basic needs programming support through culinary demonstrations and programs. A key role of this position is providing education and training for students on sustainable food systems.

    The Cowell Coffee Shop: For the Peoples is a basic needs initiative student support site with a mobile food trailer kitchen operated by the Center for Agroecology through the Division of Social Sciences in partnership with the Dean of Students Office and College Housing and Educational Services (CHES). Beyond these central partners, the Cowell Coffee Shop Lead works with many additional campus units to support a diverse array of student programming.

    Visit the job description listing to learn more about this position and apply. Apply by the initial review date of July 29, 2024.

  • UCSC Student Staff Positions

  • The Center for Agroecology employs dozens of students each academic year at the campus farm, Chadwick Garden, Cowell Coffee Shop, produce stands and across the campus food system. All positions start at $17 per hour with quarterly 25 cent per hour raises. Find our student job listings on Handshake, which lists all campus jobs. Search for "Center for Agroecology" to view our current openings.

    To learn more about Handshake and create an account, visit the Career Center website.