CASFS News Archive

Agroecology major available this fall
April 21, 2020
Beginning this fall, students will have an opportunity to enroll in a new agroecology major, an interdisciplinary program housed in the Environmental Studies Department.

Grow your own veggies? Orin Martin offers tips for novice gardeners
April 02, 2020
Orin Martin is delighted that people are responding to the coronavirus pandemic with a desire to grow their own veggies, and he has lots of knowledge to share—as well as one plea: Be sure to plant some flowers, too.

Orin Martin recognized for 'Fruit Trees for Every Garden'
March 25, 2020
Orin Martin's book 'Fruit Trees for Every Garden' has been recognized by the American Horticultural Society as one of the outstanding gardening books of 2019.

How to #keepteaching and #keeplearning during a pandemic
March 17, 2020
Jody Greene is eager—almost desperate—to help her colleagues who are facing the unprecedented challenge of shifting to remote instruction for the entire spring quarter.

Strawberry Growers Face a Complicated Future
March 4, 2020
Organic Production Specialist Joji Muramoto is featured in a Good Times article about the strawberry industry in Santa Cruz County.

Daniel Press featured in KQED report
February 14, 2020
Former CASFS Director Daniel Press was featured in a KQED Radio report about a ballot measure in Danville that has sparked debate over open space.

Plum Bud Gall Mite discovered at UCSC Farm
January 31, 2020
The Plum Bud Gall Mite (Acalitus phloeocoptes (Nalepa), a pest new to California, has recently been discovered at the UCSC Farm, and has the potential to infect economically important stone fruit crops.
Cowell Coffee Shop Food Supervisor Final Candidate Visits
January 29, 2020
Join us for these candidate presentations taking place at the Cowell Coffee Shop for the Cowell Coffee Shop Food Supervisor position.

Food and anti-corporate globalization activist Vandana Shiva coming to campus Jan. 25-26
January 06, 2020
The public is invited to attend two events with legendary food activist Vandana Shiva, who will be at UC Santa Cruz on January 25 and 26.